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Are we forever busy?

December does makes one think about time and what we have done-or not done- over the past year.

The younger folks probably do not quite appreciate an uncle like me writing this column at a coffee joint.

I am pretending to look cool with earplugs connected to my iPod Touch while the notebook is plugged to the Wifi network ( how interesting that the password at this place is nasilemak).

They do not know, of course, that I am listening to the golden oldies hundreds of them on my playlist, and letting my mind drift to a time when songs had lyrics we could understand, even if they sounded so corny.

Simon and Garfunkel are singing, “Slow down, you move too fast, you’ve got to make the morning last….”

The young couple at the next time, who are obviously talking with each other through their smart phones, must be wondering why there is a smile on my face.

It’s December and we know that everyone is saying: “ Wah, December already. The year just flew by, didn’t it?”

The analytical person in me will reply: You repeat yourself every year. I don’t think it went any faster. It’s just a perception.

Time, of course cannot move faster or slower. We are, after all, blessed with the same amount of it daily.

But it is what we do with our time that is different. The choices we make and the priorities we set determine the busyness of our lives.

Is everything always urgent and important? Are we meant to be perpetually connected such that the loss of a mobile phone brings more grief than the loss of a friend’s mother?

And why are we in such a ‘forever busy mode’ that we cannot ignore any SMS coming in-even in the midst of a solemn occasion like a funeral service?

Do you remember the resolutions you made in January about taking better care of your health, spending more time with loved ones and talking short holidays to relax and rejuvenate?

Okay, here are your reasons why they have been ignored: No time, too busy, something else came up.

Tim Kreidel wrote an excellent article in The New York Times back in June, titled ‘The Busy Trap’.

Because it has gone viral, anyone connected to the internet is bound to get linked to it somehow.

He has an interesting premise. Basically, Kreidel believes that we like to boast about our hectic lives to feel important.

He wrote : ‘Almost everyone I know is busy. They feel anxious and guilty when they aren’t either working or doing something…busyness is purely self-imposed; work and obligations they’ve taken on voluntarily, classes and and activities they’ve encouraged their kids to participate in.

They’re busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety, because they’re addicted to busyness and dread what they might have to face in its absence.

Wow. Is he talking to me? Is he talking to you?

Why am I working at a place where I am supposed to relax over a cuppa and engage in meaningful conversation with a friend face to face?

December does makes one think about time and what we have done- or not done – over the past year.

It can be a year of wonderful moments or about missed opportunities.

To have more of the former, it involves us deliberately saying goodbye to Busy, so that it does not fill up every minute of our Life.

Kreidel ended his articles with this line, ‘ Life is too short to be busy.’ How true.

This articles taken from the Sunday Star by Deputy executive editor Soo Ewe Jin.

Posted in Self improvement

Find the Ultimate Balance

“Finding balance is the key to personal fulfillment.”

If your life was a symphony, all the different parts of it could be represented by the different sections of the orchestra. All the parts would work together to produce beautiful harmonies. Not one section would conflict with the other.

Too often we think in terms of conflicts rather than complements, as though the different roles we play are at odds with one another. We struggle with having a successful career and a fulfilling family life.

Dissolve this conflict and begin to assess your life as a whole with complementary parts, rather than broken fragments competing for your time and attention. Ultimately balance will come from living in full of awareness of yourself not the parts.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I view my life as a whole with complimentary parts.

Posted in Self improvement

Answer to Success and Happiness

“Proactive women make success, health, happiness and wealth happen.”

Proactive women have a certain mind-set, which includes big dreams, good habits, imagination, strong positive beliefs and unshakable inner confidence. These women don’t just “talk the talk,” they “walk the talk.”

Such women love and embrace the adventures of life. They attract opportunities, good people and harmonious situations that reflect the same mind-set. They are passionate and feel the joy in whatever they do.

The only thing standing between you and women like this is your mind. Right now, make a conscious decision to get in the habit of feeling prosperous, happy, grateful, accepted, healthy, loved and successful. Amazing things will happen as you open your mind to possibilities!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Posted in Self improvement

Simply Inpsire Yourself

“Adventure is as near as stepping out your front door…”

Too often we think of adventure as this big event that we have to plan way in advance. We think arrangements must be made, schedules coordinated, flights booked, time off secured, etc. With such planning the “adventure” of the adventure is easily lost.

Adventure is really a decision to do something that inspires awe, from within. It can be simple, uncomplicated and spontaneous.

When you’re out and about, today, try to look at things in a new way. Approach your tasks with a fresh sense of curiosity. See something new, smell something new, touch something new.

Dare to explore and enjoy the experience of living. You will discover that adventure is easily found in an otherwise ordinary day.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Posted in Self improvement

Is this sabotaging your success?

“Is laziness holding you back?”

Now, I’m not insinuating that you’re lazy – just by reading this you’re far from it. But think for a moment how your success would be affected if you were more energetic …if moments of tiredness, fatigue, low energy, and low motivation weren’t part of your daily life. Would you be more successful? How would your life change?

When you look around, it appears that those most successful women seem to have not only supreme focus, but they also seem to have found a way to beat the “couch potato” gene in all of us. They have retired their excuses and adopted a “do it now” attitude.

There are many ways you can enhance your life by simply “not being lazy.” Take some time today to identify some of those ways in your own life.

Once you do, you can put the “lazies” behind you and look forward to active and energetic days ahead.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: The “lazies” are in the past and I’m feeling energized.

Posted in Self improvement

Put Power Behind Your Goals

“Formalize your commitment and you’ll see results.”

An excellent way to formalize your goals and commitments is by writing a contract to yourself. Spell out clearly and precisely as you can what your goals are. Include step-by-step details of how and when you are going to achieve them. Sign and date your contract. Next share it with someone you trust and post it where you will see it and be reminded by it. And, as with all contracts stick to the obligations.

Don’t forget to include in your contract how you are going to reward yourself for your accomplishments. You have made a deal with yourself. You have worked hard and when you’re done you deserve a reward.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I’m formalizing my commitments and seeing results.

Posted in Self improvement

Trying Without Excuses

“C’mon! Give it a shot.”

The fear of not knowing how something will turn out is enough to make anyone say, “Forget it.” Rather than dealing with problems head on, sometimes it’s easier to ignore them and hope they’ll go away. When we’re tired of trying, it’s tempting to think that, since nothing has worked in the past, we’re powerless.

Does any of this ring a bell? If so, it’s probably because you put way too much pressure on yourself to have things always work out well. With a mindset like this you’re missing out on opportunities, relief and good fortune, simply because you didn’t try.

There are no guarantees in any of our lives. Things may or may not work out. Just because they “may not” work out, it’s not an excuse not to try.

Next time you find yourself saying, “Forget it,” or “No thanks,” give it a shot and say “Why not?” instead. Jump in with both feet and see what happens!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am comfortably taking risks.