Posted in Self improvement

The relationship that brings Big rewards

“The easiest kind of relationship is with many; the hardest is with just one.”

Many of us feel less vulnerable when we’re with a group of people. No one’s looking at us closely and no one knows us intimately. It’s easy to hide our real nature along with our true feelings.

In truth, however, “easy” isn’t always best. When you open yourself up and share honest feelings one-on-one with someone, you stand to gain the rewards of a rich and lasting bond that could never be formed with a group.

Yes, one-on-one relationships are more work, but when you treasure these relationships and work to maintain them, the emotional rewards are priceless.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I treasure my one-on-one relationships.

Posted in Self improvement

Why You’re Different

“Women, with strength to carry the world yet the tenderness to comfort.”

Strength and tenderness make a unique combination! But let’s face it. We are tough yet tender, every day. We maintain strength in the face of adversity and help carry our loved ones through rough times. And, if they stumble or need support, we’re there with soft, sensitive words and open, comforting arms.

Be proud of your ability to be both strong and gentle. Embrace these different sides of your personality and exercise them in equal measure. Show your strength and determination.

Be wise enough to step up to the mark yet let your gentleness shine through!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am proud of my ability to be both strong and gentle.

Posted in Self improvement

Push Past Fear

“Courage is acting in spite of fear.”

We all feel fear at some time or another. It cannot be denied. Fear is a natural emotion in the face of possible danger, whether it’s the risk from actions that could threaten our lives, or from new experiences that could threaten our happiness.

A courageous woman knows that courage is not an absence of fear – it is acting in spite of fear. She acknowledges the fear she feels and is determined not to let it stand in her way. Become that woman!

Accept that risk is the price you pay for the chance for new opportunities and new beginnings. When you acknowledge your fear and push past it, you’ll reach all your goals.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I have pushed past my fears with courage.

Posted in Self improvement

Toll of Perfectionism

“Exhausted by perfectionism?”

Why is it that adults feel they must excel at everything they try? Why must we be competent or skillful to experience success and enjoyment? Is perfection that important?

Face facts! No one is born perfect at anything, so, striving for perfection can create frustration and disappointment. Perfectionism is a heavy weight to carry and something we would never require of a child.

Watch children that are learning a new game. They know that doing things imperfectly is part of the learning process, that trying new things leads to new insights, a new way of looking at things and new skills. Instead of being embarrassed by failure, they laugh, jump up and try again.

When we let go of perfection and allow ourselves to do things imperfectly, we come to see how perfect we are, just the way we are! It’s a subtle difference but it’s true. Our lives become more perfect when we let go of perfectionism.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I have let go of perfectionism.

Posted in Self improvement

Lighten the Burden of Stress

“Try physical, mental and emotional ways to lighten the burden of stress.”

Stress is a fact of life. Every one of us encounters it.

If your work is stressful, if you’re a single parent or a caretaker of an elderly parent, or if you’re grieving for someone you love, your stress level has probably peaked.

Since it’s impossible to avoid stress, we must deal with it. The key in dealing with stress it learning how to de-stress. It’s all about opening your valve and releasing the pressure.

Music, walking, laughing, meditating, curling up with a good book and massages are all great ways to bring calm back in to your life – even if it is just for a moment. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, it is only when you do that the stresses of your life seem easier to handle.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I use physical, mental and emotional ways to ease my stress.

Posted in Self improvement

Why Goals are SO Hard to Achieve

“Goals that you believe in are the ones that really count.”

Does the effort you put into achieving your goals feel more like a burden, than a welcome challenge? This is a sign that your goals are not your own.

You may be trying to live up to the ideals of your spouse, friends or parents. You may even be trying to live up to society’s version of success and perfection.

Goals set for you by others may not be realistic. And, the more you strive for goals that are far from your heart, the greater your dissatisfaction and frustration may become.

For you to feel happy inside and out, you must pursue what is important to you.

Never think that what you want is not good enough. It is! As you set and achieve goals that really matter, you will feel more successful, positive and optimistic.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I set and achieve goals that are important to me.

Posted in Self improvement

Satisfaction, Motivation & Peace of Mind Require This

“Have you neglected your potential lately?”

Your potential is the part of you that seeks your best self. It is the part of you that aspires to learn and grow as a woman. Your potential shines when you find fulfillment in what you do best.

What may be fulfilling for you may not be for others. For you it may be poetry, gardening or cooking. For someone else it may be fitness or music, etc. Take an inventory of your gifts, talents and abilities. What makes your heart sing?

Your satisfaction, motivation and peace of mind in life are all tied to meeting your potential.

If you have been neglecting your potential, you know what to do!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am meeting my potential.

Posted in Self improvement

Put an End to the Thinking Sabotaging Your Goals

“It’s never too late.”

No matter what is cycling through your head at this very moment, it’s never too late to set goals, to change your life. (Really, it’s not.) Often the hardest part to getting started is overcoming that overwhelmed feeling – the one that occupies your mind when you contemplate all that you have to do at once.

You think about how long it will take; what sacrifices you have to make. You become bewildered by the endless details and fall back to the comfortable feeling of saying you’ll start next Monday or at the beginning of next month.

Today is the day you put that kind of thinking behind you. Today, focus on taking the first step toward your most cherished goal. Take care of the first detail right now, whatever it may be. Start exercising, dieting or looking for a new job. You know what you need to do.

It’s not too late to get started.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I have put negative thinking behind me and I’m working toward my goals.