Posted in Self improvement

Break Free From Misery

“Acceptance fuels change.”

Some of us suffer from painful relationships, dead-end jobs, or “survival” mentalities. The truth is that we aren’t going anywhere because denial or blame keeps us stuck in misery. This kind of life is awful.

Think about your own situation. Are you using denial to survive dissatisfying consequences? Accepting and taking responsibility for mistakes and choices is not easy. It takes courage. But you must accept responsibility if you want things to change.

When you accept the reality of your situation, you take the first essential step to a new and better life. This is reason for celebration!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I accept my reality and take responsibility for my choices

Posted in Self improvement

Change Whatever You Can Dream Of

“You have a choice.”

Every day you make literally hundreds of choices, consciously and unconsciously. One of those choices is your attitude. What was your attitude like when you woke up? What is it like now?

When you’re aware of how your attitude affects your well being, choices are so much easier to make. With this new found knowledge, you can literally change whatever you can dream of.

You deserve a great life, happiness and self fulfillment. Choose today to make it that way!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am in control of my attitude and my choices.

Posted in Self improvement

Stop Criticizing Yourself

“Are you your own best friend?”

Sadly, most women are their own worst enemy. Who needs enemies when you can consult your harshest critic anytime you glance in a mirror? Logically, we should all be our own best friend, but it often isn’t the case. We reserve our harshest criticism for ourselves.

Learn now to be gentle with yourself. You deserve special treatment simply because you are special. Who best to comfort you, but you? Who best to compliment you, but you? Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. No expensive cosmetics, no retail therapy can deliver the inner warmth of knowing that you are happy being you.

When we love ourselves, it is no longer important that our hair is not perfect or that our thighs are a little dimpled. We don’t beat ourselves up for imagined imperfections anymore. In fact, we embrace our imperfections.

Today, look in the mirror and smile. The person there will smile right back. She loves you. Love her, too.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am my own best friend.

Posted in Self improvement

Claim What’s Rightfully Yours

“Claim your personal power.”

When you are in touch with your personal power, you’re confident, decisive, focused, purposeful, energetic and empowered.

Sounds great, but truthfully how often do you feel like this? Personal power or lack of it is created by you and you alone. You decrease your power by blaming others or external forces for your misfortunes. Why give up what is rightfully yours?

Claim your personal power today! Try not to blame outside forces for disappointments. Don’t wait for others to change their behavior, instead choose to change your response. Stand strong and refuse to be a victim. You can do it!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am in touch with my personal power.

Posted in Self improvement

Put Conflict in Your Relationships to Rest

“Compromise and collaboration bring harmony.”

When harmony is in your life and relationships, peace and serenity are at your fingertips. All your senses are alive. Your visions are clearer, and you can see more, feel more and hear more.

But, harmony has one enemy – conflict.

When conflict arises and threatens to displace harmony, the best thing to do is face it head on. Don’t ignore it. When you do, you allow it to fester.

Instead, recognize that those with differing views are not out to get you, but merely approaching things from a different point of view. Seek to find points of agreement and work together to build compromise.

As you focus on compromise and collaboration, harmony will be restored.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I face conflict with compromise and collaboration.