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Daily Teaching


Can you see the difference between yourself right now and your imagined picture of your future self? Your job is to become as much like the version of yourself in the picture as you can! Act like that now. Feel the same as that, now. Become as happy as that person, now. Be that person, now! When you become the person in your imagined picture you have shifted yourself to the frequency of your desire, and it must and will appear.

Posted in Self improvement, Uncategorized

Free Yourself from People Pleasing

“Give yourself permission to say, ‘No.’”

As young girls, many of us were taught to always try to please people. We were told it was important to be seen as nice and non-confrontational. As a result, we went out of our way to do things that people wanted. We became people pleasers, afraid to rock the boat.

Is this still your mantra?

Recognize and appreciate that you have a right to do what’s right for you. There is no need to always feel obligated to please others, at your expense.

If a friend asks you do something when you have other priorities, say “No.” If the school asks you to volunteer when you’d rather enjoy lunch with friends, say “No.”

Don’t feel obligated to offer an excuse. Give yourself permission to say, “No!” Because a balanced life includes pleasing yourself, as well as others.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I have given myself permission to say, “No.”


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Survive Tough Times

“When waiting is the hardest choice.”

Are you facing a difficult time in your life?

Give yourself the gift of patience. Patience is the main ingredient necessary to get through difficult times.

Yes, it’s hard to be patient! But, without patience, you would have no hope. And, if the universe was organized so that your desires materialized instantly, that wouldn’t serve you either.

Patience helps you grow. It nourishes both compassion and empathy. So, embrace patience. Ultimately this makes you a stronger woman.

Be patient!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am patient during tough times.


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The First Step to Great Self-Esteem

“Value yourself.”

You have the right to be treated well, to value your own intelligence, to create a satisfying life for yourself and to value your own creativity.

You are worthy of happiness, health, success and love. You deserve to have good friends, fulfilling personal relationships, and strong family bonds.

No matter how many difficulties you face in a day, remember to value yourself. You deserve to have a great relationship with you. Because, you are worth it!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I value myself.


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Endure What Seems Impossible

“Persistence overcomes resistance.”

When you’re persistent you find the power to hold on and persevere in spite of anything. You’re able to overcome every obstacle and you do all that’s necessary to succeed.

Persistence does not mean you will not fail, but it does mean that when you feel defeated you rise above your disappointment and keep trying. Instead of giving up when all seems hopeless, you find a way to keep going. You simply refuse to give up.

Great things come your way when you endure what seems impossible. No, it’s not easy, but remember big achievements require time. Be patient and don’t give up.

Sow persistence and reap success!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am patient as I persevere.


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I believe I’m every Thursday..:) just in case you all haven’t notice…haha..just kidding. Is just that I’m free today and try to post some interesting stuff in here for everyone to read and for myself as well. Weekend is just around the corner, can’t wait to go for my cousin convo in KL.

Just 66 days till Christmas…counting down the days, and is the most joyful time of the year. I hope this 2 months of 2016 are filled with bigger blessing, new door opening, good opportunities and better health for every one here. God bless.


Posted in Self improvement, Uncategorized

What Respect Has to do With Achieving Your Goals

“Respect drives success.”

The process of setting challenging goals and then writing out a plan to achieve them causes you to feel much more confident about achieving your dreams and consequently better about yourself.

You gain self-respect as you move step-by-step toward the completion of something that is important to you. It really is the key to success! It’s SO important to have clear plans for the changes you want to make in your life and to earnestly work toward realizing them.

Each progressive step you take toward reaching your goals is like a stepping stone of “like” and “self-respect.” You feel more positive and accomplished which fuels all your endeavors.

Take that step today!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I’m following a plan to achieve my goals.


Posted in Self improvement, Uncategorized

Find the Happiness You Deserve

“Happiness is not the destination.”

Many women slog for a lifetime looking for happiness. They feel guilty  doing things they enjoy. So they take care of their jobs, their families, their children and their pets thinking that the time for happiness will come later. In the end, they discover that it doesn’t.

Believe that you DESERVE happiness right now!

You know those early hours in the morning when the house is quiet and the mist is floating outside the window? THAT is happiness. Remember how it felt to hold your baby for the first time? THAT is happiness. Remember how you felt when you achieved what seemed like an impossible goal? THAT is happiness.

Do not defer your happiness to a later date. Find joy in what you do every day.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I deserve to be happy right now.


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You’ll Wonder Why You Didn’t Do this Sooner

“Your appointment is confirmed.”

You set appointments all the time, with doctors, dentists, accountants, contractors and hair salons. More often than not the appointments you set actually take place. Once in a while you have to cancel an appointment, but that’s okay, because you reschedule it and place the new date and time on your calendar.

There’s one person, though, that you might never think to set an appointment with. That person is you!

Why not schedule an appointment with yourself and write it on your calendar? Schedule some time to do something fun with yourself. Make it a definite date.

When the time comes, keep the appointment, just as you would any other. After a few appointments with the all-important you, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am making and keeping appointments with myself.