Posted in Fic/Story

The Value of Friendship


Life is incomplete without friends.

Many people walk in and out of our lives but closest to us are our true friends. And friends have often p0roven to be more valuable than family and partner because they care and share in our joy and pain. Those who leave footprints in our heart are our best friends.

Making friends and maintaining friendship is part of our life’s support system because without them, our lives would be empty, dull and dreadful.

In short, our whole life depends on our ability to get along with others and developing friendships because our time spent outside our home is with friends.

Our friends are vital because they are one of the most reliable sources of happiness, joy, support and intellectual development.  While some friends are for keeps, some drift apart from us. In the course of friendship, sometimes we may get hurt or be betrayed and find it difficult to trust someone any more.

But we should understand that bumps in a relationship are a means for us to know and understand the friend better, building trust require quality time and is a life long process. I have a childhood friend with whom I shared the same plate, cup and bed in our younger days but we have grown apart owing to our work and a change in his lifestyle and beliefs. Although we have not seen each other for over five years now, my lawyer friend still remain special to me because of the values, sorrow and fun we shared.

Good friends are those you can count on when you are in difficulty even though you have not met for some time. It is not necessary for your best friend and you to meet daily, weekly or monthly because a strong friendship beyond distance and regular meetings. Friendship involves an internal connection.

Life is incomplete without friends and no one can go through life without friends. Friends do not coming knocking at your door but you must go out and meet people to make friends.

One way is by joining social groups or voluntary organisations having common interests and passion: it can be a fun way to develop friendships.

The scent of happiness and well being of our body, mind and spirit is having good friends.

This article is taking from Star paper

Posted in Self improvement

Make Yourself Happy

happy life

No feeling is more miserable than self-pity, which is the result of unfulfilled expectations. Whatever you are miserable or happy, you’ve got to live. Why not make yourself happy?

Count your blessing. I am sure you have a healthy mind and a healthy body and are able to eat, sleep and move about without difficulty. You have a roof over your head and food on the table.

Why beg for love and compassion? Love yourself and your fellow housemates.

It is easier to make yourself happy than ask others to make you happy. If you feel that you have been abandoned because you are not useful anymore, then make yourself useful in little ways.

Take your mind off self-pity by taking an interest in people and the things around you. Do not sit alone and say, Poor me, old me.

When you feel miserable you create bad vibes and this may put people off because they may not feel comfortable being with you.

Don’t look forward or back. Seize the moment : Live now. If you are eating, pay attention and enjoy the food. If you are taking a shower, feel the spray caressing your face.

Listen to your favourite music. Take up a hobby. Just do something to take your mind off self-pity. Find something to do so that you can have something interesting to tell your visitors and they may stay longer.

The old need not be lost. We should take our happiness into our own hands. Yes, we showered our love on our children when they were young, but we must not demand that they give us the same attention that we have given them.

If they return the love, fine. If they don’t , life still has to go on, So it is better to make yourself happy than beg for love and compassion.

We may be old but we should not be beholden to anyone for our own happiness, as far as possible. If love and attention are given, accept that with grace.

Posted in Self improvement

Who Will Give You the BEST Advice

“Listen to your inner wisdom.”

Advice from others may share the benefit of experience. But, not trusting your own inner wisdom can hold you back. Even though the intentions of others are good, sometimes their views and words are negative. They may even encourage you to believe that they know your needs better than you.

When you hear advice that makes you doubt your dreams and abilities, stop! Believe in yourself first, and see all other viewpoints from that perspective. Your situation can always change for the better and what you want, though ambitious, is possible. Wisdom offered by others may be absolutely right -but it doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

You know your strengths and capabilities. You know your ability to hold on to an idea and make it work despite the odds. In the end believe in your own wisdom, first, and thank others for theirs.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I believe in my own wisdom.

Posted in Self improvement

Avoid Job Burnout

“Every job has built in difficulties.”

Difficulties, alone, don’t cause job burn out. Lack of control drains us and leads to frustration.

If people and situations don’t demand our best, we soon become bored. So, some stress is both expected and good.

To avoid job burn out, we must embrace challenges that keep us interested and performing at our peak. Labeling difficulties as challenges also helps us balance our personal and work related lives.

You have a personal responsibility to yourself, your well-being and your happiness. Don’t let job stress control you. If you need to make changes to avoid burn out, take action today!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Meditation: I view difficulties as challenges.

Posted in Self improvement

Does Your Partner Do This?

“The person you choose to be with should support your dreams and respect your values.”

Being accepted is a requirement in all relationships. Nobody wants to be with someone who rejects them for what they believe, or judges them for certain traits of their personality.

You’re entitled to your own decisions, beliefs, goals, etc. When someone truly loves you, they love the whole package you come in. This includes the physical you, the emotional you and the dreams and values that come along with you.

After all, that’s the true beauty of being an individual. And, the one you choose to be with should be grateful.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: The person I am with supports who I am.

Posted in Self improvement

Ignite Your Internal Fire!

“Recap and thank yourself.”

After each day, it’s important to review what you’ve done and give yourself a pat on the back. It’s okay to bask in well-deserved praise, to dwell, for a moment, on your hard won accomplishments.

Remember, motivation begins with appreciation. Once you acknowledge the things that you are doing right, it’s easy to feel motivated to try harder, tomorrow.

Gratitude is a great way to build those internal fires of achievement. So, be proud of the fruits of your efforts and thank yourself for a job well done!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am proud of my achievements.

Posted in Self improvement

Pursue Wisdom & Happiness

“It all starts with the voice inside.”

When your self-talk is positive, it can cheer you up when things go wrong, encourage you when you want to say “No,” and deepen relationships when you’re unsure.

You may not be aware of it, but your subconscious voice is always sending you messages. You talk to yourself all day long. Do you know what your inner voice is saying?

Now, is the time to listen and learn. When you recognize what’s going on in the privacy of your mind, you can change negative thoughts to positive ones. Take charge of your thoughts. It is the beginning of both wisdom and happiness.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am in charge of my thoughts.

Posted in Self improvement

Secret Teaching


You can most certainly help others through your thoughts, and they can help you. Every good thought you send to another is a living force. However, the person you are sending the thought to has to be asking for the same thing you are sending. If the person does not want it, then they are not in harmony with your thought, and it will not reach them.

Posted in Self improvement


If you have a problem with a member of your family who is negative, begin by writing a list of all the things you appreciate about that person. Remember to include gratitude, for the person is giving you a great desire for positivity in your life; because that is one of the gifts they are giving you. As you focus with all of your strength on appreciation, you will not only reduce your exposure to the negativity, but at the same time you will be attracting positive people into your life.
