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National Day

31 August 1957 marks the day that the Federation of Malaya gained its independence from British colonization, forming what we know of today as Malaysia. Hence, 31 August is a National Public Holiday to commemorate and celebrate the freedom and independence gained.

Although it is only a one day public holiday, the celebration builds up from a month before right up to Malaysia Day which is on the 16th of September.

During this whole month of August, also known as the Merdeka month, you will see most Malaysians express their patriotism and love towards their culturally unique country by raising the Malaysian flag on their vehicles, balcony of their homes and even along the streets! It is also during this time that government buildings all over Kuala Lumpur and most shopping malls are hoisted with the Malaysian flag, Jalur Gemilang.

The whole build up towards Malaysia’s Independence Day is celebrated with pride and joy where competitions and parades will be held; sometimes school children practice for performances which will be presented during Independence Day itself.

Every year there is a specific theme for Independence Day. In short, Independence Day serves as a reminder to all Malaysians to appreciate the tough fight our ancestors had fought and to educate the current generation about the spirit of Independence.


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Stop Comparing Yourself With Others

“Preserve your confidence.”

When you use others as your measuring stick, you usually come up short. You convince yourself you’re not as clever, beautiful, thin or talented.

Lasting satisfaction and confidence comes from appreciating yourself with all that you have to offer. Equating yourself with others eats away at your confidence and leaves you feeling inferior.

Remind yourself of these simple truths. You are a unique and special person, exactly as you are. You’re one-of-a-kind and you’re irreplaceable.

With convictions such as these, you confidence is impermeable, just as it should be.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am confident in my own worth as a woman.

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Increase Your Wealth

“Attract prosperity.”

They say money attracts more money. Wouldn’t it be nice to find out? But in truth, prosperity isn’t about money anyway. It’s about feeling rich in happiness, love and positive experiences. This is something you not only can have, you can multiply with the right approach.

Appreciate your friends, and new friends will arrive. Look for joy each day, and you’ll find more. Feel happy about all you have in life, and you’ll find your happiness grows.

Live this way and you’ll end up with a wealth of prosperity that all the money in the world can’t buy!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am prosperous.

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What Your Emotions are Trying SO Hard to Tell You

“Your emotions are your messengers.”

To be true to yourself and to those around you, it’s a must to learn to manage your emotions. It is a critical step toward living a happy, successful, and fulfilled life. This doesn’t mean that you control them by ignoring them or repressing them, it simply means listening to them. What are they telling you?

When you let your emotions control you, you miss the message that they carry. When you ignore them for fear of what they might cause you to do or feel, they simply return as anger later.

Observe your self-talk as your emotions peak and fall. Tune in and identify any judgments you might have about the way you feel. These thoughts translate into what you believe to be true about yourself. They can be accurate or untrue and damaging. You decide if change is in order.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am in touch with my emotions and reactions toward them.

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Change Anything and Everything

“Frame your thoughts with awareness.”

It’s no secret that we have the ability to program ourselves to believe and act in negative ways. The good news is that we’re also blessed with the ability to program ourselves to believe and act in positive ways.

The starting point is awareness.

You must first become familiar with how your thoughts make you feel and act. Ask yourself, what thoughts make me feel happy, sad, jealous, mad, etc.? How do I react to my feelings? Once you have the answers to these questions, consider yourself aware.

When you’re in touch with your feelings you’re consciously able to program yourself for positive action.  Next time you catch yourself in a thought that doesn’t feel good, stop, and consciously choose to react in another way. When you re-frame your thinking, everything changes.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I re-frame my thoughts for positive action.

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Kiss Goodbye Guilty Anger

“Stop feeling guilty about angry emotions.”

We’re often told that anger is an undesirable emotion. But, you know what? Sometimes it’s justified.

If someone has crossed the line, you’re entitled to feeling angry. It’s perfectly normal and healthy. There is no reason to feel guilty about your anger.

Next time you feel anger, acknowledge it without self-recrimination. Give yourself permission to feel the rage. Because, when you do, you can work through it, release it and feel joy, again.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: When I’m angry, I acknowledge it without guilt and then release it.

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Kiss Goodbye Guilty Anger

“Stop feeling guilty about angry emotions.”

We’re often told that anger is an undesirable emotion. But, you know what? Sometimes it’s justified.

If someone has crossed the line, you’re entitled to feeling angry. It’s perfectly normal and healthy. There is no reason to feel guilty about your anger.

Next time you feel anger, acknowledge it without self-recrimination. Give yourself permission to feel the rage. Because, when you do, you can work through it, release it and feel joy, again.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: When I’m angry, I acknowledge it without guilt and then release it.

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Mourning Day


At this hour of national grieving, all of us here  would like to bow our head and our hearts in sorrow, as we lift our hands in prayer and share in the pain of all those who have been affected by the MH17 tragedy. Words cannot describe how much it pains our hearts to see the scores of lives lost; among them fellow Malaysian brothers and sisters, and so many more affected by this senseless tragedy.

All of us here  would like to call upon all Malaysians to stand together as one nation, casting aside our differences as we mourn the needless loss of life. May the souls of the deceased rest in peace, and the family and friends of the departed persevere through their hour of need.

once again we would respectfully convey our heartfelt condolences to each and every one of the families affected by this tragedy. May their rest in peace. Amen