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Guarantee Excitement in Your Life

“Do what you love – and excitement will follow.”

When you follow what you love in life, challenges can be tough because the stakes are high. You set your whole heart on reaching your goal and you want, so badly, to succeed!

It’s not always easy. But, doing what you love means that, each morning, you awaken with passion and excitement at your core.

It means you’re finding hidden strengths you didn’t know you possessed. And, you’re equipped to get over obstacles and disappointments with grace.

Most of all, it means no regrets. No matter what, you’re living an exciting life, doing what you were born to do.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I’m doing what I love.


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Rejuvenate Yourself

“Walking is moving meditation.”

If your life is going in a hundred different directions and moving a million miles an hour, walking may make the burden easier to handle.

Walking allows you to focus on being fully present. It provides you with an opportunity to mull over something that may be on your mind. It gives you a chance to take in the beauty and bounty that surrounds you. Walking can be a time for self-discovery, a time to reconnect with wholeness and harmony.

Take 15-minutes today, and just walk. Let your mind rest. Savor the physical and emotional benefits you gain from moving your body.

This is rejuvenation at its best!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: Walking rejuvenates me.


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Find Your Purpose – It Makes a Huge Difference

“Have you reached your destination?”

Many of us grow up not knowing what we want to do with our lives. It can take years to figure it out, and some never do. Many women change jobs, careers and husbands, searching for their purpose and destination.

To achieve success in finding your way, soul-searching is a necessity. Have an honest conversation with yourself and answer a very tough question. “Who am I?” Think about your strengths, your weaknesses and most importantly your passions.

It may take a day, a week or a month but, when you answer this question, your personal destination becomes clear.

Your direction will not fall in your lap, so don’t waste another moment – create an inner compass and find it yourself.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: Being in tune with my passions has made my direction clear.


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Cure Negativity

“Clean out your mental closet.”

Remember when you last cleaned out your clothes closet? It was tough at first, but afterward you felt great. You got rid of those impulse buys that never worked and retired those too-tight jeans that you knew you would never fit into again. Remember how you felt? No guilt or regret just wonderfully cleansed and organized.

A mental cleaning is even more effective. It’s a great time to get rid of the bad and the ugly. Throw out all your old beliefs, memories, limitations, guilt, fears, doubts, and images that are no longer serving you.  Make room in your mental closet for all the good things that life has to offer.

When you start afresh, with an open and positive mind, you’ll instantly feel energized and uplifted because all the negativity is gone. Try it!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I have let go of guilts, fears and doubts that no longer serve me


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Where Do You Get Your Validation?

“Completion comes from within.”

Most women have the bad habit of looking to relationships outside themselves for validation. We believe that the love others give us is more important than the love we give to ourselves.

This puts a tremendous burden on those around us. If you really think about it, we cannot honestly expect someone to fulfill this demand. When we do, we are doomed to disappointment.

Instead, recognize that eternal happiness and a true sense of value can only come from within. The bottom line is that there is nothing anybody can say or do to assure you of your value if you aren’t sure of it yourself.

Start taking time to appreciate yourself, what you have achieved and how far you can go. Rely on the power that shines from within. It will never let you down!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: My eternal happiness comes from within.


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Stop Anxious Thoughts

“Free yourself from anxiety by chasing away the ‘What-if’s?’”

“What-if?” So many negative thoughts start with these two words. “What if I’m late for work?” “What if I don’t lose weight?” “What if I don’t go to my friends for dinner because I’m too tired?” What if…what if…what…if!

Each anxious thought leads to another anxious thought, and another – only to feed a negative spiral of worry. Before you know it, your heart races, it’s hard to breathe and there’s a knot in your stomach the size of a pot roast.

Catch yourself! Next time you fall in to the “what-if” trap, stop it in its tracks. Turn your thinking in a positive direction. It takes time and consistent practice, but the freedom from anxiety is well worth the effort.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I am free of the “what-ifs.”


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Show Bitterness & Disappointment the Door

“Has your ship arrived?”

Are you waiting for your “ship to come in”? It could be a long wait. Why not put your swimsuit on and go out and meet it?

Nothing leads to more disappointment and bitterness than the belief that you’re owed something in life. Why wait for fate to somehow deliver unknown future bounties and success? Start focusing on what you can do to make things happen, right now.

Be grateful for the fact that you’re in charge of your own destiny – and no one else has this power. Celebrate each success you achieve and pause to enjoy each moment of good fortune.

When setbacks occur, shake them off and move on. Fill your life with positive energy, not by making plans for the future, but by living for today.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I’m in charge of my own destiny.


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Handle Change with Ease

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.”

As you race through life, facing daily challenges and trying to stay on top of change, it’s not always easy to find time to reflect on the values you hold dear. But, in truth, moments of change are exactly the times when you most need to remember values!

Women with a solid value system are generally happier and find it easier to overcome challenges. Values like integrity, loyalty, faith, compassion, courage and a sense of community, all work together to give us inner direction and purpose.

Values build personal resiliency, which in turn helps you bounce back from adversity and embrace new opportunities. Take a moment today to reflect on your values – and then go out and put them into action!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I live my life by my solid values.


Posted in Quotes, Self improvement, Uncategorized

Daily Teaching


You know that to bring something better you must imagine what that better thing looks like in your mind, and then live in that picture as though it is here now. But you should also know that if you complain about your current job, for example, and continue to focus on all the negative things, you will never bring the better job to you. You must look for the things to be grateful for in your current job. Each thing you find to be grateful for is helping to bring that better job to you. That is really working the law! Learn where gratitude can also change your life.