Posted in Self improvement, Uncategorized

Secret to Making Positive Self-Talk Work

“Before you believe in yourself, you have to believe yourself.”

No matter how often you mentally tell yourself that you’re talented and worthy of respect, it won’t get you anywhere if you don’t believe what you’re telling yourself.

The key to creating this belief is to provide yourself with rational support.

To build your rationale, list your achievements in life, right back to when you were a child. Write down the successes you have had no matter how insignificant they may seem. Take note of the generosity and love you’ve given to others. Think about how you’ve helped to enhance life, whether through your garden, motherhood or special talents and friendships.

Now you can tell yourself you’re special and believe it, because your list is proof!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I believe in myself.


Posted in Self improvement, Uncategorized

Cherish, Love & Respect Yourself

“Focus on the joy.”

How many things in your daily life do you do just for the joy of it?

When you do something just for the “joy” of it you are not worried about what you get in return, nor do you do it because you “should” or “have-to.” You do it because you want to. As you infuse your life with this kind of joy, you internalize the message that you cherish, love and respect yourself. Your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth all get a boost because you’re doing things that are important to YOU.

Do something today, just for the “joy” of it. When you experience joy, others around you feel it too!

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I focus on the joy!


Posted in Self improvement, Uncategorized

Develop Success Deep Within You

“True success.”

Success is not in your environment. It is not controlled by luck, chance, or the influence of others. Success is not in the greener pastures on the other side of the fence. Success lies right where you are – here and now!

You don’t need greater abilities, or greater opportunities. You already possess what you need for success to develop deep within you.  So, don’t look elsewhere. Instead, expect the seeds of success to grow from your heart.

Starting today, vow to focus, explore and take action on what you have and what you can do. When you do, success will surely follow.

©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women

Today’s Affirmation: I have everything I need for success


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Good day


Good day everyone..Wow is really long time till I landed back here.. been off for almost a month. Hope everyone have a good day as mine . 🙂 I’m glad to be back again and share what I had learn or read. Have a wonderful day and god bless you all .